Tuesday, October 22, 2013

               “The Pros and Cons of social media”
 The cons of the social media the bad thing about social media is that sometimes the internet be really bad at times. Sometimes even slow down and the connection, other than that social media can be really helpful too. It can easily find an answer to your question. It can also be a library it has book or you can download books.

 You can listen to music go on the internet, for example you have a school project and you have to do you work as in an essay on a famous person that you don’t even know of and you have to do the project just go on social media.

 The pros about the social media is the internet, the internet can help you out very good.  When somebody needs to find an answer to something they can just go on their computer if not a library and go on the computer and just go on fire fox and the internet to do social networking, and communicate with others from around the world. Like emailing and face book, yahoo, or even call. Social media can help you a lot and research things like data and updating new things. You can also do micro blogging and which users create to socialize and use network. Social media can help you learn and study. And find out all about him/her it shows you the date of birth and where he or she came from. The social media is really good.   You can use
·        Google chrome
·        Internet
·        Blogging
·        Firefox
·        bing
You can use Google chrome to find many websites; you can also use Bing and find out inscribe things! There are many websites that can help you. For adults if they need to find a job or something they can just go on Google and find jobs.
Google chrome





Have fun and enjoy!

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