Tuesday, April 22, 2014

                         Abraham and the promise he kept... 
Abraham Lincoln was out walking through woods with his friend and his friend had a bottel of whisky and was drinking it then he went into his pocket and found cigars, he asked lincoln " want to smoke a cigar with me. ?" lincoln sadly explained how his mother said she wasnt going to live longer that one shes gone she told " abey" to promise her to never smoke tobacco or drink whisky, so he told his friend " do you want me to break my moms promise that i kept for the longest and smoke with you.?" his friend said " no i wouldnt let you smoke with me because what you did was a good thing.." , what lincoln did was a good thing, he kept his promise to his mother to never smoke tobacco or anything actually or drink whisky or any other type of drink, what also makes sence is to always say no to someone if they offer you a smoke or a drink you can get addicted and keep at it, also another thing keeping a promise to someone is a big thing if you break that promsise you wont ever get a chance to gain that promise back or the person you made that promise too and you break it , it can hurt them because you said " yes, i promise" . in my condition if someone makes a promise then keep it , why even make a promise if you cant keept it. 

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